By the time you read this, I will have arrived in Hamburg, Germany. I will be speaking at a conference there Oct 6-8. I have Monday to play tourist. I found this shot on several different web sites, so it must be one of the premier tourist locations. I will be staying nearby and hope to go running around the lake.
I am prepared for the journey across the pond with several movies and TV shows on my iTouch, noise canceling headphones, and my German phrase book. The latter will be particularly helpful. I was pursuing it yesterday, particularly the part about the "I am a (insert profession)" icebreaker. I trust these Lonely Planet phrase books implicitly to give me clues to the culture I will be exploring. This case is no different. The phrase book gave me two helpful examples. I am a farmer and I am a drag queen. I now know the two most important professions in Germany. Thank you Lonley Planet!
I will be taking a small camera with me so you'll have to suffer through a few posts on my experiences. In the meantime I have set my blog up to post several things automatically.
Bring on the German food and beer!
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