Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009
October Dumper
It is not Halloween yet and we have already had a major snowstorm. My house received 20 inches. The last time this happened to Denver was 1997. Here are a couple of photos.

Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009
Barr Lake
Distance: 9 mile loop
Elevation gain: none, flat
Dogs: Not allowed
Critters: Birds, birds birds!
Barr Lake is a State Park filled with waterfowl. I went there to try out my new 500mm Canon lens. The lake was too low to get very close to the birds but the scenery made up for it. All the marsh plants were high and dry and a fall-ish rusty color. The weather was also sublime, particularly knowing that the following day it was supposed to snow!
A group of Cackling Geese (Branta hutchinsii) swim past some of their sleeping cousins [Canada Geese (Branta canadensis)]. Until recently, the Cackling Goose was thought to be a sub-species of the Canada Goose. They have shorter necks, are smaller in general, and have a dark breast.
A half of a mile from the shoreline was a small cluster of birds. These include Pelicans and Cormorants.
I was surprised at how built up the area is around the lake. There is one large shopping mall nearby and the ubiquitous Starbucks a few miles away for those who need their fix. It was not long ago that Barr Lake was practically "in Kansas" it was so far out on the plains. Humans are encroaching here as well.
My prized shot, a Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) roosting in a tall Cottonwood tree. We had stood under this tree for half an hour taking pictures, walked on and met some birders who asked if we had seen the owl. We raced back and there he was. I "hoo hoo'ed" at him and he open his eye ever so slightly. From the ground and with the naked eye he looked like just part of the tree. See how his banded feathers make him blend in with the tree bark?
Bald Eagle from a mile a way. Compared with my photos of Bald Eagles from the Bird Islands Nova Scotia, this shot is particularly dull. You can walk right up to this snag however.
The park contains a nice nature center, which puts on educational programs. There was the typical stuffed birds and animal skins. I wrapped the fox skin around my neck and struck a naughty, aristocratic pose. Fortunately, only the ghosts of the birds lining the walls were there to poo poo my shameful behavior. The nature center also has a solarium with a nice couch overlooking an extensive bird feeder. Numerous Sparrows and Blue Jays could be seen hopping about feeding area.

The trail around the lake is a broad dirt road intermixed with side trails and board walks. While long, it is any easy walk. Since we were all loaded down with camera gear we only managed to travel 1.5 miles to a gazebo that juts out into the water. From there we saw the resident Bald Eagle on its perch a mile away. Some large deer with huge antlers could be seen cowering under the shrubbery near the eagle's nest. The closest birds were only 0.3 miles from the nature center however near a nice shaded sitting area.

I have no idea if the water level in Barr Lake is seasonal or if drought has kept it low. For now it is better enjoyed as a broad panorama vice a photographers mecca.
Elevation gain: none, flat
Dogs: Not allowed
Critters: Birds, birds birds!
Barr Lake is a State Park filled with waterfowl. I went there to try out my new 500mm Canon lens. The lake was too low to get very close to the birds but the scenery made up for it. All the marsh plants were high and dry and a fall-ish rusty color. The weather was also sublime, particularly knowing that the following day it was supposed to snow!

The park contains a nice nature center, which puts on educational programs. There was the typical stuffed birds and animal skins. I wrapped the fox skin around my neck and struck a naughty, aristocratic pose. Fortunately, only the ghosts of the birds lining the walls were there to poo poo my shameful behavior. The nature center also has a solarium with a nice couch overlooking an extensive bird feeder. Numerous Sparrows and Blue Jays could be seen hopping about feeding area.
Views of the Lake

The trail around the lake is a broad dirt road intermixed with side trails and board walks. While long, it is any easy walk. Since we were all loaded down with camera gear we only managed to travel 1.5 miles to a gazebo that juts out into the water. From there we saw the resident Bald Eagle on its perch a mile away. Some large deer with huge antlers could be seen cowering under the shrubbery near the eagle's nest. The closest birds were only 0.3 miles from the nature center however near a nice shaded sitting area.

I have no idea if the water level in Barr Lake is seasonal or if drought has kept it low. For now it is better enjoyed as a broad panorama vice a photographers mecca.
Senin, 26 Oktober 2009
Marshall Mesa
Distance: 3 miles round trip
Elevation: 5,520 ft to 5,740 ft
Elevation Gain: 220 ft
Dogs: Off leash with green tag
Marshall Mesa is one of my favorite close-in hikes. The views of the Flatirons are gorgeous and the diverse landscape is appealing in both fall and summer. Marshall Mesa is a broad slopping plateau filled with grasses, Cottonwood Trees, and shrubs. The Community Ditch cuts through it and in spring this ditch is filled with flowing water.
The view from the parking lot. The new trail heads across the open meadow but will eventually ascend up above the trees.
Standing on one of the ancient sandstone formations that form part of the area. Millions of years ago, this area was a beach. You can still see the waves embedded in the sands. It is a 10 foot drop off on the other side of the tree.
The area is owned by Boulder City Open Space, so things have changed the last couple of years. The trail head was moved a mile west and expanded. It now includes bathrooms and a larger parking area. Mountain bikes have become more prevalent as well since Boulder has been converting many of its trails to be bike friendly. The downside of course is that this makes the trails less people friendly. I know that bikes are supposed to yield to humans and all that, but the reality is that they don't. You are lucky not to get tossed in a ditch as the race by. On very rare occasions, have I seen bikes pull over for humans. I always praise them. "Good boy, good girl!"
I was hoping for gorgeous fall color on this trip, but the unseasonable freeze the week before turned all the leave brown. In spring, this meadow and the Cottonwoods that dominate it, are very pretty indeed.
The change in the trail head has also changed the available routes in the area. There are two loops one can do, a 3 mile loop and a 2 mile loop. You can travel farther by doubling back on these loops or by heading off on spur trails that extend from the area. Pick up a map at the trail head to view these options.
Go straight up the hill on the other side of the bridge and you are on the 2-mile loop. Go left and you are on the 3-mile loop.
When the trail reaches it maximum elevation (~200ft elevation gain), a spur trail heads off to the left. This is a dead end trail and dogs must be on a leash. The main trail heads to the right. Straight ahead, as you see in this picture is a lake. It is private.
The photos in this post were taken on the 3 mile loop going counter-clockwise. I prefer this direction because it means facing west on the highest part of the route. The views from there are just lovely.
A small vestige of fall color in some shrubs along the Community Ditch Trail. In spring the ditch would be filled with lazily flowing water.
Parts of this loop traverse the Community Ditch Trail, which is wide and almost road-like and parts traverse the official Marshall Mesa Trail, which is rockier and travels near some interesting geological features. These trails are great for Sunday strolls, trail runs, or doggie walks. Even in January there is something to see and the stark landscape retains its charm under the deep blue skies of winter.
A sandstone bluff near the end of the loop. The Community Ditch Trail continues west across highway 93. That is a pleasant walk in and of itself.
Give this area a try the next time you want a leisurely stroll in a beautiful area that does not take all day to get to.
Elevation: 5,520 ft to 5,740 ft
Elevation Gain: 220 ft
Dogs: Off leash with green tag
Marshall Mesa is one of my favorite close-in hikes. The views of the Flatirons are gorgeous and the diverse landscape is appealing in both fall and summer. Marshall Mesa is a broad slopping plateau filled with grasses, Cottonwood Trees, and shrubs. The Community Ditch cuts through it and in spring this ditch is filled with flowing water.

The area is owned by Boulder City Open Space, so things have changed the last couple of years. The trail head was moved a mile west and expanded. It now includes bathrooms and a larger parking area. Mountain bikes have become more prevalent as well since Boulder has been converting many of its trails to be bike friendly. The downside of course is that this makes the trails less people friendly. I know that bikes are supposed to yield to humans and all that, but the reality is that they don't. You are lucky not to get tossed in a ditch as the race by. On very rare occasions, have I seen bikes pull over for humans. I always praise them. "Good boy, good girl!"

The change in the trail head has also changed the available routes in the area. There are two loops one can do, a 3 mile loop and a 2 mile loop. You can travel farther by doubling back on these loops or by heading off on spur trails that extend from the area. Pick up a map at the trail head to view these options.

The photos in this post were taken on the 3 mile loop going counter-clockwise. I prefer this direction because it means facing west on the highest part of the route. The views from there are just lovely.

Parts of this loop traverse the Community Ditch Trail, which is wide and almost road-like and parts traverse the official Marshall Mesa Trail, which is rockier and travels near some interesting geological features. These trails are great for Sunday strolls, trail runs, or doggie walks. Even in January there is something to see and the stark landscape retains its charm under the deep blue skies of winter.

Give this area a try the next time you want a leisurely stroll in a beautiful area that does not take all day to get to.
Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009
Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009
Austin, Texas
In November 2008 I traveled to Austin for a conference. I was anxious to see the city, having heard so many reports of how Boulderish it was. Like most pre-conceived notions, my mental image of Austin was shattered the moment we arrived.
Austin is not small like Boulder and its party strip (6th Street) is more like Bourbon Street than Pearl Street. Being a larger city, it suffers from all of the typical woes, large traffic jams, a large homeless population, and vandalism.

We had a bird’s eye view of the traffic because our hotel room overlooked the main freeway through town. We were amazed to see on a Saturday that it was at a dead stop. A local friend told us that weekends could be worse than weekdays because folks north of the city road trip south to San Antonio and these hordes have to pass through Austin.

The large homeless population was not surprising given the climate, but was a detractor none-the-less. I was staying at the Sheraton near the Capital, but my conference was at the convention center. It was a 9 or so block walk between them. The route passed right by a very large homeless shelter and across 6th Street. Not a terribly scenic walk and one I did not like taking at night alone. If you visit the city, I would suggest staying south of 6th Street. There are more restaurants there and the area is just nicer.
A few months before our arrival, someone tried to torch the governor’s mansion. Apparently, this was just pure mayhem and not so much a political statement. It is sad indeed to live in an era where such things are possible and probably condoned by a large number of people.

Despite these revelations about Austin, we did have a great time. We took a road trip to Fredericksburg and the National Museum of the Pacific War, ate fantastic BBQ at the Salt Lick, and spent time in the LBJ Presidential Library on the University of Texas campus. We also dined at the Four Seasons and had fantastic “slap your mama” steak in an elegant atmosphere.

I had wanted to visit Fredericksburg because it is in the center of the hill country and I had heard that the region was both picturesque and filled with wineries. Toss in a premier WWII museum and you have the makings of a great side trip.
The drive through the hill country was very pleasant and once again very different from what I expected. I had been told it was comprised of rolling hills and trees. This is true, but one must recalibrate one’s idea of trees. I had pictured tall deciduous trees when in reality; the trees were short scrub oaks. I liked them very much because they reminded me of my hometown in California. I was hoping to catch a glimpse of a famed longhorn on the drive but instead kept spotting exotic animals. Apparently, the ranches in the hill country are known for raising exotics. At one point I was gazing out the window when a camel flashed before my eyes. I yelled out, “Holy F…, I just saw a Camel.” My two travel companions quickly looked as well and committed equally unpublishable verbal peccadilloes.
The town of Fredericksburg was nothing remarkable. It has a few shops that one can traverse in 10 minutes or so and only one winery in the downtown area. This winery happened to be a chain, which was very disappointing. Because we had a date with a side of pork, we did not have time to wander the countryside in search of tasting rooms. Instead, we focused on the Museum.

I was really looking forward to sampling the many varieties of Texas BBQ. There were so many places to choose from the decision was not easy. Our local guide however indicated that the Salt Lick was THE place to try. We had quite a wait on the weekend but enjoyed listening to the outdoor music on the oak en-canopied patio. The Salt Lick does not serve alcohol, so it is BYOB. It is also “out in the sticks”, so purchase your beer before you leave Austin. I was impressed by the tenderness of the meat and the portions of all the sides. I was not too hot on the sauce. Every BBQ joint in Texas has a proprietary sauce. I am not sure I could describe this one very well except that it was pink. The interior of the place is dark and somewhat smokey from the large pit by the entrance. All the tables are family style so be emotionally prepared to sit neck and jowl with 20 of your closest friends. Despite the sauce, I would eat there again in a heartbeat.
My final thing to say about this trip is a brief description of the LBJ Presidential Library. Presidential Libraries are actually archives and museums. There are 13 of them in existence but this was my first visit to one. I was born in 1965 so many of the events during LBJ’s term in office I have seen only in the pages of books. The museum presents his life chronologically and he was of course the President during the bulk of the Vietnam War. The parallels to modern day were quite striking. At one place in the chronology, you see a large picture of him with his head in his hands and a quote saying something like, “I know I shall be reviled for all I have done…at the time I saw no other solution, nor did I know how to get out of it”. They have taken his oval office and recreated on an upper floor. That was interesting to see, particularly the 60’s communications technology. On the top floor is a gallery of paintings of all the Presidents and a separate one for First Ladies. It was amusing to see Hillary Clinton in the one group and not the other! The museum is located on the University of Texas campus, which was very close to where we were staying and a nice place to walk around.

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