I could only see Olga's left hand but since it zoomed around the keyboard so quickly, that is probably a good thing. I was aghast to observe that Olga's hand actually looked alien. I am talking alien abduction like alien. Her fingers are exceptionally long and have that ability to spread apart in a way that would require Vicodin in us mere mortals. The joints that connected her fingers to the rest of her hand must have been double jointed because they could arch in a way I did not think was anatomically possible. I keep looking at my own hand and back at hers and realized why I never took up piano. The sum total of these observations was a hand that looked twice as large as normal. It seemed to extend all the way to her forearm. I was mesmerized.
I confess that Rachmaninoff has not been my favorite composer but you have to admire his Rhapsody. It is so dramatic and contains some of the loveliest melodies in all of classical music. It is one of Olga's signature pieces, and she plays it with great emotion.
During intermission Olga signed CDs. She was very gracious if a bit otherworldly. I get the impression this was more cultural than innate shyness. Olga has the potential of being on of the true greats if she would only change her wardrobe. That calf hugging sequined red dress and stiletto heals were dazzling for sure but surely gave her insurance agent fits. I would not have been able to walk two feet in that get up let alone glide across a stage. I recommend she be wheeled out in a sequined wheel chair with those alien hands encased in cast until she is ready to play.
Any time Olga is in town, I recommend arranging to be abducted. The experience will be well worth it.
Check out this season’s sympony schedule.
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