Rabu, 31 Desember 2008
Senin, 29 Desember 2008
(On the Left: This is a squence of photos from Rocky Mountain National Park. They are ordered in time.) Colorado has gone to the dogs and I don’t mean rover! The Coyote (Canis latrans subsp.), a member of the dog genus is ubiquitous around the state and throughout North America for that matter. Unlike other species, which have felt the pinch of encroaching humans, the Coyote has adapted and expanded its range. It now roams from Oregon to New Jersey. They thrive in the burbs as well as the wilds.
Coyotes are carnivores. Their primary diet consists of small mammals like rabbits, mice, and Prairie Dogs. They will eat carrion but prefer a fresh kill. There is a great deal of controversy over how much livestock and domestic pets are affected by the coyote. Whether myth or fact, just the idea makes the Coyote the target of ranchers and farmers. Interestingly, Coyotes are afraid of Mountain Lions and some communities have learned to keep Coyotes away by projecting the sounds of Lion.
I have lost track of the Coyote sightings I have had. What is unique about his sequence is that there were three Coyotes traveling together. I have only seen them solo despite the fact that they do usually hunt in pairs. I observed this group in Rocky Mountain National Park the day after Christmas. I only had a 200mm lens, so the photos are distant but the sequence does give you an idea of their color and behavior. Coyotes usually have a hunting circuit three to four miles long. The tracks you can see in the photos imply these three had cruised this ground before.
Coyotes can interbreed with domestic dogs. Sometimes I wonder if my new puppy is not part Coyote. She is a trickster for sure, just like prevalent Native American myths. Next time you see a Coyote or hear its lonesome song, take a moment to appreciate the rare success story of a species that is actually thriving.
Coyotes are carnivores. Their primary diet consists of small mammals like rabbits, mice, and Prairie Dogs. They will eat carrion but prefer a fresh kill. There is a great deal of controversy over how much livestock and domestic pets are affected by the coyote. Whether myth or fact, just the idea makes the Coyote the target of ranchers and farmers. Interestingly, Coyotes are afraid of Mountain Lions and some communities have learned to keep Coyotes away by projecting the sounds of Lion.
I have lost track of the Coyote sightings I have had. What is unique about his sequence is that there were three Coyotes traveling together. I have only seen them solo despite the fact that they do usually hunt in pairs. I observed this group in Rocky Mountain National Park the day after Christmas. I only had a 200mm lens, so the photos are distant but the sequence does give you an idea of their color and behavior. Coyotes usually have a hunting circuit three to four miles long. The tracks you can see in the photos imply these three had cruised this ground before.
Coyotes can interbreed with domestic dogs. Sometimes I wonder if my new puppy is not part Coyote. She is a trickster for sure, just like prevalent Native American myths. Next time you see a Coyote or hear its lonesome song, take a moment to appreciate the rare success story of a species that is actually thriving.
Minggu, 28 Desember 2008
Sabtu, 27 Desember 2008
Elk (Cervus canadensis)
Welcome to the herd! Think we “advanced” primates are above such behavior? Try taking an intercontinental flight one of these days and you will change your tune. I can hear the cattle braying as the line winds around and around the tape at the security checkpoint. All I see are backsides and I shuffle ignominiously onto the plane. Ever been to a professional football game? Doesn’t that remind you of the annual rut in which thousands of Elk gather in Rocky Mountain National Park’s two large meadows and congregate around the largest and loudest Bull with the showiest physic. Herd indeed!
This herd was on the side of the road between Moraine Park and Horseshoe Meadows. It was about 16 degrees out and the Elk were all laying in the grass.
I confess that I am immune to the charms of the Elk. It is sheer ennui brought on by too much familiarity. Visit the Estes Park and you will see them…everywhere. They are on the golf course, huddled around the large bronze Elk statue at the edge of town, or wandering around the meadows of the park itself. In contrast, last summer I ran into a herd of Mountain Goats and practically had an epileptic fit. Isn’t it amazing that you can live in a place where such amazing animals are as common as the tourists who clog the roads to ogle them?
(On the left: This young bull was watching us closely as we got too close to the gals.) I have another confession…whenever I see an Elk I also think of dinner. I like the taste of it and wish I could get some hunter to bag one for me. I don’t think I could ever get up the nerve to do it myself. I like my protein dressed and sauced on my plate. Hypocritical in the extreme I know but not an uncommon attitude. Since the days when we could hire out our husbandry, the human species has become sensitized to all the carnage.
Elk are Colorado’s largest species of deer. They can be seven to nine feet long and over four and half feet high. The antlers of the Bull Elk are impressive indeed. These antlers grow in the spring and can weigh up to 40 pounds. They can grow up to an inch a day, protected by velvet, a soft skin that is scraped off on trees by summer. By early winter, the antlers are shed. Interestingly, the number of points on the antlers has nothing to do with the age of animal.
Elk are vegetarian browsers. Their diet consists primarily of grass but in winter will augment this with the bark of trees. Much of the scaring on Aspen trees is from Elk.
Finally, experts are trying to get us to use the term Wapiti for Elk because in Europe the term Elk refers to what we would call a Moose. Somehow, I don’t think Wapiti is going to catch on. The herd may just have a mind of its own.
Box jellyfish wallpaper - imagine Meduza otravitoare
Meduza Box Jellyfish (meduza otravitoare sau viespe de mare) este cea mai periculoasa vietate din mari si oceane.
Meduzele au dimensiuni care depăşesc un metru şi sunt dotate cu un venin mortal care poate ucide un om matur în câteva secunde.In zona Filipinelor, a Japoniei, a insulelor Hawaii şi în apele Vietnamului peste 5500 de persoane mor anual datorita atingeri sau intepaturii.
Meduzele au dimensiuni care depăşesc un metru şi sunt dotate cu un venin mortal care poate ucide un om matur în câteva secunde.In zona Filipinelor, a Japoniei, a insulelor Hawaii şi în apele Vietnamului peste 5500 de persoane mor anual datorita atingeri sau intepaturii.
Poze Imagini Papagali Salbatici
Cateva informatii despre papagali salbatici si doua wallpapere, poze pentru destop.
Cei mai multi papagali salbatici se intalnesc in padurile tropicale sin America de Sud, Australia si Noua Guinee, doar cativa traiesc in Africa si foarte putini in Asia.
Exista o specie cu numele de "Alexandru cel Mare", numele l-au primit dupa Alexandru cel Mare, regele Macedoniei, din motiv ca soldati din armata lui au adus in jurul anului 327 I.C. primii specia in Europa, originari din India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka si Asia de Sud Est.
Papagalii salbatici nu imita oamenii sau alte animale doar papagalii de casa mimeaza sunetele pe care le aud.
Din pacate nu stiu din ce specie fac parte papagali de mai sus, dar stiu ca imi plac foarte mult!
Daca stiti cumva va rog sa lasati raspunsul in forma de comentariu.
Multumes !
Cei mai multi papagali salbatici se intalnesc in padurile tropicale sin America de Sud, Australia si Noua Guinee, doar cativa traiesc in Africa si foarte putini in Asia.
Exista o specie cu numele de "Alexandru cel Mare", numele l-au primit dupa Alexandru cel Mare, regele Macedoniei, din motiv ca soldati din armata lui au adus in jurul anului 327 I.C. primii specia in Europa, originari din India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka si Asia de Sud Est.
Foto Papagali Salbatici 1600x1200
Imagine pasare papagal 1600x1200
Papagalii salbatici nu imita oamenii sau alte animale doar papagalii de casa mimeaza sunetele pe care le aud.
Din pacate nu stiu din ce specie fac parte papagali de mai sus, dar stiu ca imi plac foarte mult!
Daca stiti cumva va rog sa lasati raspunsul in forma de comentariu.
Multumes !
Peisaje Superbe pentru Desktop
Bangkok Wide Wallpaper
Jumat, 26 Desember 2008
2 picturi Isaac Levitan pentru Desktop
Isaac Levitan (1860-1900) este un pictor cu un nume muzical. Foarte cunoscut in Rusia si foarte iubit. Cu toate ca este de origine evreiasca pictura lui nu poarta nici o amprenta religioasa.
Isaac/Isaak Levitan a venerat frumusetea Naturii
Levitan a fost prieten cu multi intelectuali, artisti si oameni de cultura din Rusia dar nici unul nu i-a fost atit de apropiat ca Anton Chekhov.
S-au cunoscut pe vremea cind amindoi erau studenti ... si erau saraci.
Unii cred ca legatura lor a fost intarita si de faptul ca Isaac era indragostit de Maria Pavlovna Chekhova, sora scriitorului rus.
Autumn Day. Sokolniki. 1879. Oil on canvas. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.
Isaac/Isaak Levitan a venerat frumusetea Naturii
Artistul e considerat drept cel mai important pictor peisagist rus.
Se spune ca peisajele lui sunt lirice...a reusit performanta de a sublinia in culoare literatura lui Chehkov/Cehov si muzica lui Tchaikovsky/Ceaikovsky. Levitan a fost prieten cu multi intelectuali, artisti si oameni de cultura din Rusia dar nici unul nu i-a fost atit de apropiat ca Anton Chekhov.
S-au cunoscut pe vremea cind amindoi erau studenti ... si erau saraci.
Unii cred ca legatura lor a fost intarita si de faptul ca Isaac era indragostit de Maria Pavlovna Chekhova, sora scriitorului rus.
Evening Bells. 1892. Oil on canvas. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.
Autumn Day. Sokolniki. 1879. Oil on canvas. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.
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